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How can you make a difference?

There are 3 key ways you can help our program flourish, and YOU can be part of each one! Contestants who complete all 3 points will be eligible for a $1,000 scholarship. 

At Miss Utah's Teen, alongside our dedicated volunteers, we are committed to empowering young women across our state, helping them pursue and achieve their academic dreams

The following options are available for you and/or your business. Join us as we celebrate and lift these young women! Please let your candidate know which of the following ways, in which you would like to contribute! 

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Point ONE

Ad Page Supporters

Full page ads are beautifully printed in full color and represent your Candidate, their home town and all that they stand for. 

Ad sizes are; Full page, half page and quarter page.

Candidates also earn 30% of the total ad sales they complete, after completing one full page of sales.

Point TWO

Limited to 75 spaces, and starting pledge of $100.

Directly supports our Scholarships earners.

Each donor will be listed in our Competition Magazine as 

part of our Diamond Sash Society.



The Sweetest point of all - our HONEYBEE's! 

For kids ages 6-10

$250 for each registration

Includes a fun t-shirt, tiara, special event and

a walk on experience on stage during the Miss Utah's Teen

Preliminary Competitions!

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